FLIM workshop in Sinica

pco.flim相機系統是第一種採用Two-Tap CMOS成像晶片的螢光生命週期成像相機。相機即能夠在內部產生寬廣的頻率信號,也可接收一定頻率範圍內的外部調製信號。

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging: in simple word, to

study the lifetime (long or short, early or late) of

fluorescence and phosphorescence response in

short time scale, down to ns

PCO.FLIM is the first two-tap CMOS technology

carrier for FLIM and has many unique parameters

It helps to:

– Make the FLIM affordable

– Shorten the FLIM imaging duration between secconds to tens of seconds (typically minutes to tens of minutes via TCSPC)

– Make the FLIM setup and operation easy
– Easy to do FLIM FRET

FLIM application